Hi everyone it’s Ran Biderman
Today I wanna talk to you about persistence and how to develop it in 8 simple steps.
Persistence is an essential factor in turning your desires into monetary equivalent. When you start combining persistence with a strong will power, you begin to accumulate success and great fortunes.
Here are the 8 steps to achieve persistence in your life:
1. Be on purpose!
Without knowing what you want, persistence is impossible.
2. Intense desire to achieve.
If you really can’t live without your goals, you then do whatever it takes to achieve them.
3. Self reliance.
Believing in your own abilities. When you believe in your ability to execute a plan, you then stay persistent with the plan.
4. Have a written plan.
Having a written plan even if it’s not a perfect plan, will cause you to be more persistent.
5. Knowing your plan can work!
When you know your plan can work if you take action and follow the plan, you become stronger with persistence.
6. Positive Cooperation with others. When you have other people on your side who support your plan, you will be more persistent.
7. Your willpower and your ability to concentrate and focus your mind will make you persistent
8. Developing a habit. Persistence is a result of a habit. Building a habit that will make you persistent.
Let me suggest a simple homework that can help you become aware of persistence in your life:
1. Ask yourself, where have you seen a persistent behavior in your life?
2. Ask yourself, What are you persistent with?
Make a list of all the things you’re persistent with and ask for each one, is this helping me achieve my purpose? Or is this moving me away from the things I must persist?
That’s it for today. I Hope these points can help some of you out there.
Have good productive day